Sibiu Business Agency

Your business location in Transylvania, the heart of Romania

Sibiu Business Agency - the first agency in Romania that stimulates the SME sector and attracts domestic and foreign investments to our country.

6 reasons to invest in Sibiu

Sibiu County’s strategic location, skilled workforce, focus on innovation, cultural appeal, supportive business environment, and access to EU funding collectively create a compelling case for investment. These advantages position Sibiu as a promising destination for businesses seeking growth, market expansion, and long-term success.

Strategic Location and Connectivity
Skilled Workforce and Educational Institutions
Industrial Heritage and Innovation
Cultural and Touristic Appeal
Supportive Business Ecosystem
EU Funding and Incentives

+40 785 031 507

Our dedicated and experienced team aims to create a conducive environment in which businesses can thrive, grow, and reach their maximum potential.

Sibiu County profile

With a balanced economy, an infrastructure in which we have invested and will continue to invest constantly to meet EU standards, with a well-qualified workforce, a dynamic and open administration towards potential investors, benefiting from its geographical position, combined with our interest in becoming one of the most attractive tourist destinations, we believe that Sibiu County has all the prerequisites to become one of the most appealing counties for investors.

Sibiu Business Agency

Export promotion
The Export Promotion Program of Sibiu Business Agency is designed to complement private initiative by:
In order to remain competitive in the local business environment and to succeed in attracting foreign companies (direct investments), two conditions must be met:

The main sectors in the local industry

Automotive Industry
IT and Software Development
Manufacturing and Engineering
Aerospace and Defense
Textile and Clothing
Tourism and Hospitality
Food and Beverage Processing

Points of interest


Review's Of Clients

Vero id posuere tempus aspernatur quaerat mollis voluptatum eveniet porro viverra libero habitasse porro fames quos pharetra diam cupidatat ligula reet.

Vero id posuere tempus aspernatur quaerat mollis voluptatum eveniet porro viverra libero habitasse porro.

John Smith



Vero id posuere tempus aspernatur quaerat mollis voluptatum eveniet porro viverra libero habitasse porro.

MIley Cyrus



Vero id posuere tempus aspernatur quaerat mollis voluptatum eveniet porro viverra libero habitasse porro.

Thomas Walter



Sibiu County Key Figures


Agricultural Land


Arable Land






Vines and Agricultural Nurseries

Contact information


General Magheru Street, no. 14, Sibiu 550185


+40 785 031 507


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Completed Projects
0 k+
Happy Customer
0 +
Award Winning
0 %
Satisfaction Rate

News & Events

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Cea de-a 30-a ediție a evenimentului ”Ziua Întreprinzătorilor”

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